While we mostly try to keep Rivers Without Borders apolitical, the recent transition of national leadership in the U.S. seems worthy of comment. Not regarding the way it has come about, insurrection and all, but rather the promise it brings for more international cooperation and science based decision making. We’re already seeing that with Biden, in his returning America to the Paris Climate Accords, for example. Likewise in his selection of people who care about the environment to lead environmental positions, or who demonstrate real interest in indigenous community needs and aspirations.
And that, in short, is what the Alaska – British Columbia transboundary river systems need, from both the U.S. and Canada. We talk about ecosystem based stewardship, a bringing together of upstream and downstream interests, with planning and decision making tied to science and attention to sustaining natural and cultural attributes. For the Unuk, Iskut-Stikine, Taku, and Chilkat, we still have a long way to go, on both sides of the border, but there has for sure been a welcome turning of the page as we elevate awareness and promote conservation for North America’s most spectacular transboundary watersheds. Onward…
