Earlier this month, the Anchorage Daily News published a strong Taku and transboundary watershed conservation op-ed by Juneau resident and Rivers Without Borders steering committee member, Frank Rue. While new mining projects continue to develop in the transboundary region without adequate mining policy in place in BC, the Tulsequah Chief mine continues to discharge toxic wastewater into the Taku River watershed unabated and for nearly 70 years. Given the lack of protection of transboundary watersheds and the life they support, it's time for Canada and the United States to engage the International Joint Commission to help resolve ongoing mining issues in the transboundary region.
Read the full call to action here: https://www.adn.com/opinions/2024/03/04/opinion-the-abandoned-tulsequah-chief-mine-is-a-festering-sore-on-alaskas-taku-river/